The main idea behind pressure cookers is that you prepare your food faster and in more healthier manner. The food you cook is closed withing stainless steel container and when you put it on heat it will heat up the water inside. That water turns to steam and builds up pressure in Wolfgang Puck pressure cooker. The temperature is great for cooking rice, meat, vegetables or anything you would usually prepare in different types of cookware.

The goal is to finish the cooking much faster. You would usually prepare beans in 3 hours of cooking, but with Wolfgang Puck pressure cookers you can do it in one hour only. Everything else you prepare will take up only 30% of the time you used to spend before. What is even better, your food will taste better and there will be more delicious treats to try. Pressure cooker manual will explain you everything about that. We will mention something about it later in this Wolfgang Puck pressure cooker review.
When you fry meat on oil, plenty of nutrients will never survive that treatment. The temperature is too high and oil makes a hostile atmosphere, so your meal will not be so delicious. But if you prepara the same meat in your cooker, the nutrients will still be there. What is even better, meat will be more tender because it was cooker under hot pressure which helped it to release its juices and those juices are what cooked the meat, not oil.
Wolfgang Puck cooker has plenty of room for large meals. There are different sizes, of course, but wolfgang puck 5 quart electric pressure cooker is the most popular one. It has mirror finish that resists food sticking so you can easily clean up after you finish using it. LCD display has several programs and setting you will choose from, depending on what kind of food you are preparing. You can set different heat volumes as well as how long would you like Wolfgang Puck 5 Quart electric pressure cooker to work.
You can also keep your meals warm if some members of your family can't be there on time for the meal. Cooker will automatically switch off when the timer you set expires, but you can always keep an eye of whats going on if you like. Glass lid allows you to do that properly.
Since this cooker has only one year warranty, we decided to investigate a bit further. There are some problems that occur with the Wolfgang Puck pressure cookers, and they usually are with electrics. The counter can go wild or report an error but you won't know what to do about it. Also, this may cause the cooker not to reach it's heating point at which it actually makes pressure.
We suggest you do your own survey as well, but the best thing you can do is to find someone who already has one to learn from his experience. Wolfgang Puck pressure cooker 5 Quart is a good choice for your kitchen, it will definitely improve your eating lifestyle.