The biggest advantage and one thing All American pressure cookers are known for is their sealing system. It is a so called Metal To Metal system, which uses clamping licks that align the cover to the steel container, thus making the tight seal. This is as strong as they can get. Since there is no gasket involved in this process, the cover can be easily closed and opened.

You can use these pressure cookers to prepare all sorts of food, such as meat, rice, fish, vegetables and so on. Also, you are able to can the food. We recommend that you use pressure canner for that, but if you know what you are doing and have a good recipes on canning the food in the pressure cooker, then you can go for it.
You should know that this is the safest pressure cooker. It has six locking screws that are holding the lid down. The pressure will never blow the lid off, since there are another three hooks to stop it. And with a rubber pressure gasket, the extra steam is released easy, when needed. The only maintaining you will have to do with the All American pressure cookers is to replace that rubber once in a while.
The steam valve on the top of a cooker is regulated with a knob. Be careful because it can get hot. You will have to use something to hold it, in case it gets too hot ( and it will!).
Make sure you follow all safety precautions when handling a cooker. Especially if you own one of the larger ones. They can be very heavy, even when they are empty. It is not easy to handle a 20 lbs pressure cooker, and imagine how much it weights with the content inside.
Wear mitts. Do not pour cold watter on an pressure cooker when it's hot. Let the temperature drop before you consider opening the pot at all. And make sure you are opening the lid aways from you, just to make sure. You should always be on guard, until you get some experience and figure out how to do it all properly.
These cookers are bit more expensive then some others, but they have the quality to back it up. You can also use these All American pressure cookers as canners. They are large enough and have thick container, which is the best recommendation for any type of cookware.
Most people are more then satisfied with these cookers. Some of them are not with the price, though. But you have to pay for the quality. These cookers will last for years and years, your children will be able to use them too. And the fact you can use them as cookers and canners makes them even more valuable. It's like you just bought two pots, instead of one.
Decide what you want from a cooker, then pick the one that suits you best. There are different sizes, and that's it. You don't have to worry about the features or extra little perks. Just imagine what types of food you would prepare in your All American Pressure Cooker and then choose the size that will match your needs.
Can I use this as a pressure fryer? What are the safety issues involved? It is built like a tank.
I'm having a problem finding parts for my 8 qt. PR pressure cooker! I need a steam regulator and a sealing ring. JC Penney has no where to refer me and I can't find Phillippe Richard parts online! No Mirror or Presto regulators or rings fit it! Must I judtcast it aside? I need help!!!
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