This safe to use 8-quart pressure cooker is made from stainless steel that lasts for many years and facilitates cooking of meats, which are generally a bit difficult and time consuming otherwise. Cooking could never be so convenient and safe as with Wearever. I still recall how easy my cooking became when I first used this pressure cooker. It comes with a gauge that continues to keep a check on the internal pressure and lets you know as soon as it exceeds set limits.

The performance of pressure cooker from Wearever has so impressed me that I insist on buying my other kitchen requirements from them only. And, shall I hesitate to feather my own cap by mentioning here that my family and circle of friends looks forward to my organizing a couple of parties every year, just because this equipment helps me to present them with healthy, nutrition-rich memorable dishes!
I may hasten to add here that apart from saving your time and fuel, cooking in a pressure cooker has other advantages too. It delivers healthier food. That’s because the essential minerals and vitamins that are generally soluble in water are retained within your food cooked in this style. That ensures that apart from the perfect dishes that it makes for you, they remain more nutritious and fresher, helping your family to enjoy better health.
Having tasted and tested the brand, Wearever, I am in no mood to shift to any other brand, as I have no doubts about the quality or performance of this cooker. Yes, I remain a satisfied loyal customer of this manufacturer. I know, those of you who have not tried this brand so far have reasons to feel apprehensive about this make, like I was when I bought it the first time. But, the continued good and dependable performance of Wearever 8-quart stainless steel pressure cooker prompts me to assure you that you won’t regret having bought this quality product for your kitchen.